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The Truth behind Grain Free Diets
The Truth Behind Grain-Free Diets Grain-free diets for dogs and cats have become increasingly popular in recent years, often marketed as a healthier or more natural option for pets. However, many pet owners are unaware of the potential risks and…
Leptospirosis- an Emerging Threat to Dogs
Leptospirosis is an important and relatively complex infectious disease. It can affect almost all species of warm-blooded animals, including humans. It has been recently recognized as a common problem in dogs. There is a vaccine that can be given to…
Food Allergies
Because of marketing messages being put out by pet food companies and retailers, many pet owners are concerned about possible food allergies in their pets. To help you make more informed decisions about the kind of food to give your…
Dog & Cat Food Label Lessons
Understanding pet food labels is crucial for making informed decisions about your dog or cat’s nutrition. However, many marketing terms on pet food packaging can be misleading. Here are some key tips to help you decode the labels and ensure…
Healthy Nutrition for Your Dog or Cat
Good health requires proper nutrition. A healthy diet for your dog or cat is one of the requirements for a healthier and longer life for your pet. Also, maintaining your pet at a healthy weight is one of the best…
Tick Control
Ticks are spider-like small parasites that suck blood from other animals. They have eight legs, with an egg-shaped body that will become larger and darker when filled with blood. Unlike fleas, they don’t jump on your pet. Instead, they climb…
New Year’s Safety (Noise Phobias)
The holidays are festive times for us human beings. We celebrate family and life through music, fireworks, gatherings, and decorations. However, it may be a precarious time for your pets who may not be accustomed to the noise. The loud…