Dental Disease is REAL

Often we forget that animals are susceptible to the same kinds of diseases as humans, and in some cases even more so. This is the case with periodontal disease. In fact, periodontal disease is the most common clinical condition affecting …

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Responsible Pet Owners Month

Not only is it National Pet Dental Health Month but, it is also Responsible Pet Owners Month. Including a dog or cat in your family can be incredibly rewarding, but “parenting” a happy, healthy pet is also a large commitment! …

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February is Pet Dental Health Month

February is Pet Dental Health Month, and it’s a perfect time to start the year off right by providing good dental care for your pet. Dental or periodontal disease can lead to many serious health and medical issues if left …

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Jackie Almadar – 10 years

All of us from Animal Medical Clinic would like to congratulate Jackie Almadar, one of our kennel assistants on celebrating her 10 year anniversary with AMC. Thank you so much for your dedication and hard work!

Community Involvement 2017

Animal Medical Clinic believes it is important to lend a hand to our communities who have supported us. There aren’t enough words in the dictionary to describe the significance of giving back. Even the simplest acts of benevolence — the …

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The Employees of Animal Medical Clinic

What makes AMC successful is the staff.  We have a fantastic team of: 12 Doctors – Each of our doctors have special interests and expertise in different areas of veterinarian medicine.              9 Certified Veterinary …

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National Squirrel Day

10 Nutty Facts to Make You Appreciate Squirrels Why exactly is there a National Squirrel Appreciation Day (January 21)? Maybe it’s because squirrels are adorable, and extremely fun to watch. Maybe it’s the many hats they wear (not real hats — please don’t put …

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