National Pet Dental Health Month
Oral health in dogs and cats Your pet’s teeth should be checked at least once a year by your veterinarian for early signs of a problem and to keep your pet’s mouth healthy. Have your pet’s teeth checked sooner if …
Oral health in dogs and cats Your pet’s teeth should be checked at least once a year by your veterinarian for early signs of a problem and to keep your pet’s mouth healthy. Have your pet’s teeth checked sooner if …
New Year’s Eve brings fireworks, parties, house guests, and more, however some of these things also bring dangers to your pets. Here are a few important reminders to keep your animals safe during the festivities. Fireworks Many animals are terrified …
Exercise It can’t be stressed enough how much exercise contributes to the longevity of your pet’s health. This single factor plays one of the most significant roles in a pet’s bodily functions, physical adeptness, and happiness. Yet when a pet …
For December, our blog articles will feature information on Healthy Bones, Joints, and Muscles. These body parts are important because they determine your pet’s shape, support its weight, and provide protection for the vital organs. Let’s start with some basic information: …
All pets, regardless of size and breed, have some risk for developing cancer. However, there are certain breeds of dogs that have higher instances of the disease than others. Certain breeds, such as Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, Boxers and German shepherds …
November is Pet Cancer Awareness Month, and Animal Medical Clinic is dedicated to educating pet owners about cancer in dogs and cats. Pet cancer affects millions of families each year – about one in every four dogs and one in …
Preventive care plans are a great way to provide care and keep your cat healthy. One of the greatest concerns among veterinarians and cat owners alike is how best to maintain your cat in as healthy a condition as possible for his …
Your cat may not be a wound-up kitten anymore, but old age shouldn’t keep your senior cat from getting the most out of the years ahead. Senior cats are generally classified as being over 10 years of age. If your …