Puppy Socialization

Socialization means introducing your puppy to a broad range of new experiences, people, environments and activities. While you likely can’t expose a puppy to everything he or she may encounter in the future, the good news is that positive exposure to a wide variety of novel experiences results in a dog that easily adjusts to new things throughout his or her life. A well-socialized dog isn’t frightened of something he or she may never have experienced previously. In other words, well-socialized dogs are more secure, confident and self-assured. Behavior training and socialization should start at a very young age.  Getting puppies socialized between 8 and 20 weeks of age is very important.

Socialization Includes:

People–from infants, toddlers, and children to the elderly. Different ages, sizes, ethnicities; glasses, hats, mustaches and beards, different clothing–anything you can think of.

Places–new environments such as urban areas, country settings and everything in between. Nothing attracts friendly people more than an adorable puppy, so taking your puppy to new places gets him used to loads of people. Visit friends’ homes, your kids’ soccer games, and take quiet walks in the park.  Don’t forget the veterinary clinic!  We encourage you to bring your puppy (or kitten) by the clinic for treat visits so they can associate us with good experiences.

Things–Vaccinated, dog-friendly cats and other pets, household appliances, walkers, wheelchairs, cars, buses, fire hydrants, trees and flowers. Virtually everything may be new to your puppy, so don’t be limited thinking that it’s something he’s likely seen before.

Activities–Pleasant car rides, an elevator ride, and the like. And of course, Puppy Class is one of the best places to socialize. Plus you’ll both learn a lot!  Sign up once your puppy finishes its vaccine series.

Safe Socialization

Socialization is best done in a controlled setting such as a puppy kindergarten class or with friend who have a healthy, playful dog about the same size.  Turning your puppy loose in a dog park is not the best or safest idea. It’s important that exposure to all these new and novel experiences is positive and without stress. Here are some guidelines to help keep things stress-free and constructive:

Have fun! Your positive attitude toward new things is important for your puppy.

Let your puppy approach new things on her own. Provide the opportunity for your puppy to investigate and let her take her time.

Respect your puppy’s feelings. Don’t push or force your puppy if he’s at all reluctant. Try laughing and interacting with the new object yourself, but ultimately err on the side of caution if your puppy thinks something is just too scary right now.

Use common sense and be sure that experiences are positive. Avoid situations, people and environments that you think might result in a less-than-happy experience for your puppy. For example, in meeting a well-behaved child that wants to hold the puppy, have the child sit on the floor to avoid the possibility of a squiggly puppy falling from their arms and getting injured.

The one small risk to socializing your puppy in public is the possibility your puppy will be exposed to illnesses of other dogs. Professional groups including Association of Professional Dog Trainers and the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior believe that the profound advantages of socialization far outweigh the minimal risk of illness.  However, your first choice for playmates should be healthy well-vaccinated pets. Ultimately, the decision is yours, and should be made in consultation with your veterinarian.  Call us if you need advice or have questions.